- require_once 'paypal.inc';
- require_once 'sendhttp.php';
Loads the configuration parameters for the interface with the PayPal server and the code for the sendpost
- function paypal_amt($amt) {
- return number_format($amt, 2, '.', '');
- }
- function paypal_localecode($locale) {
- $codes=array('en' => 'en_US', 'fr' => 'fr_FR');
- return isset($codes[$locale]) ? $codes[$locale] : 'en_US';
- }
- function paypal_setexpresscheckout($params) {
- return paypal_sendapi('SetExpressCheckout', $params);
- }
- function paypal_getexpresscheckoutdetails($params) {
- return paypal_sendapi('GetExpressCheckoutDetails', $params);
- }
- function paypal_doexpresscheckoutpayment($params) {
- return paypal_sendapi('DoExpressCheckoutPayment', $params);
- }
- function paypal_gettransactiondetails($params) {
- return paypal_sendapi('GetTransactionDetails', $params);
- }
- function paypal_refundtransaction($params) {
- return paypal_sendapi('RefundTransaction', $params);
- }
- function paypal_getbalance() {
- return paypal_sendapi('GetBalance');
- }
- function paypal_sendapi($method, $params=false) {
- $r = sendpaypal($method, $params);
- if (!$r) {
- return false;
- }
- $ack=strtoupper($r['ACK']);
- $success=($ack == 'SUCCESS' or $ack == 'SUCCESSWITHWARNING');
- if (!$success) {
- return false;
- }
- return $r;
- }
- function sendpaypal($method, $params=false) {
- global $paypal_api_url, $paypal_api_version;
- global $paypal_username, $paypal_password, $paypal_signature;
- global $paypal_log;
- $args = array(
- 'METHOD' => $method,
- 'VERSION' => $paypal_api_version,
- 'USER' => $paypal_username,
- 'PWD' => $paypal_password,
- 'SIGNATURE' => $paypal_signature,
- );
- if (is_array($params)) {
- $args += $params;
- }
- $response=sendpost($paypal_api_url, $args);
- if (!$response or $response[0] != 200) {
- return false;
- }
- parse_str($response[2], $r);
- if ($paypal_log) {
- logpaypal($method, $r);
- }
- return $r;
- }
- function logpaypal($method, $r) {
- global $paypal_log;
- require_once 'log.php';
- $ack=strtoupper($r['ACK']);
- $token = isset($r['TOKEN']) ? $r['TOKEN'] : false;
- $msg=array("METHOD={$method}", "ACK={$ack}");
- if ($token) {
- $msg[] = "TOKEN={$token}";
- }
- $success=($ack == 'SUCCESS' or $ack == 'SUCCESSWITHWARNING');
- if (!$success) {
- $n=0;
- $err=array();
- while (isset($r["L_ERRORCODE{$n}"])) {
- $e=$r["L_ERRORCODE{$n}"];
- if (isset($r["L_LONGMESSAGE{$n}"])) {
- $e .= ':' . $r["L_LONGMESSAGE{$n}"];
- }
- $err[]=$e;
- $n++;
- }
- if ($err) {
- $msg[] = 'ERRORCODE=' . implode('|', $err);
- }
- }
- $logmsg=implode(';', $msg);
- write_log($paypal_log === true ? 'paypal.log' : $paypal_log, $logmsg);
- }